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vol. 9 abstract:
Original paper
Analysis of the physical activity of rural residents in the perspective of chronic diseases on the example of patients of the KRUS Farmers' Rehabilitation Center in Jedlec.
Marek Przybył
Jędrzej J. Ksepka
Jaśmina M. Hendrysiak
Wiktor Karasiewicz
Long-Term Care Nursing 2024; 9 (2): 71-90
Online publish date: 2024/07/12
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Evaluation of the level of physical activity of rural patients in the last 7 days before arrival at the Rehabilitation Center in Jedlec. Material and methods The study was based on 612 individuals. Patients were divided into three age groups: <49 years, 50-59 years and over 60 years. Respondents were asked to complete an original questionnaire containing questions about chronic diseases and physical activity. It was assessed in terms of its intensity, type and duration. The obtained answers were interpreted and differentiated according to sex, age and education. Results Women were more likely than men to have performed intense, moderate physical activities and leisure time sedentary behavior (p=0.046), (p=0.003), (p=0.049). As education increases, the frequency of intense and moderate exercise increases (p=0.030), (p=0.002). For BMI, there was no significant statistical association between this variable and intense, moderate physical activity and leisure time sedentary behavior (p=0.695), (p=0.439), (p=0.882). No statistically significant association was shown between age and intense, moderate physical activity, walking 60 minutes at time and leisure time sedentary behavior (p=0.106), (p=0.198), (p=0.094), (p=0.876) respectively. A statistically significant association was also shown between the subjects' education and leisure time sedentary behavior (p=0.001). There was no statistically significant association between hypertension and intense, moderate physical activity and walking 60 minutes at time (p=0.276), (p=0.384), (p=0.761) respectively. Conclusions Systematic physical activity has a number of positive effects for the elderly. Health promotion institutions should constantly cultivate behavioral patterns relating to healthy lifestyles among Poles. keywords:
health education, physical activity, health promotion, public health, rural area |