eISSN: 2544-2538
ISSN: 2450-8624
Pielęgniarstwo w Opiece Długoterminowej / Long-Term Care Nursing
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vol. 7
Original article

Assessment of the psychophysical aspect of the quality of life of patients under long-term inpatient care

Mariola Rybka
Dorota Kochman
Agata Szałkowska

  1. Szpital Lipno Sp. z o.o. Zakład Opiekuńczo-Leczniczy, Państwowa Uczelnia Zawodowa we Włocławku, Polska
  2. INOZ Włocławek, Państwowa Uczelnia Zawodowa we Włocławku, Polska
  3. Suradówek, Zakład Opiekuńczo-Leczniczy, Polska
Long-Term Care Nursing vol. 7, year 2022, issue 4, p. 25-36
Online publish date: 2023/02/28
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The aim of the study was to assess the psychophysical aspect of the quality of life of patients under long-term inpatient care. Long-term care is a range of services provided to chronically ill and dependent people with a significant deficit in the basic activities of everyday life.The subjective assessment of the quality of life of this group influences the undertaking of further activities aimed at improving the organization of inpatient care. The resulting deficits in psychophysical fitness worsen the efficiency, independence, and hinder the performance of social and family roles.

Material and methods
The study included a group of 80 patients staying in inpatient long-term care facilities - the Nursing and Treatment Institution. The age of the respondents ranged from ≥60 to> 100 years. The research tool was the questionnaire of the abbreviated version of the questionnaire assessing the quality of life The Word Health Organization Quality Of The Life (WHOQOL) -BREF "extended with the proprietary certificate.

The respondents, making a subjective assessment of the quality of life, indicated the condition as satisfactory and amounted to 3.33, the average satisfaction regarding health was 2.83. . The research group was 60 % women.

The health results obtained were directly proportional to the subjective assessment of the quality of life.


long-term care, quality of life, care

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