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Demographic characteristics of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis and the level of disease acceptance according to AIS scale
Martyna Anna Piasecka
Online publish date: 2019-12-13
Evaluation of age-dependency in patient’s self-care preparation following pacemaker implantation
Anna Krajewska
Online publish date: 2019-12-13
Scope of the functional function of seniors according to the Barthel scale
Iwona Brudzińska
Online publish date: 2019-12-13
Demographic structure of obese patients undergoing bariatric treatments
Dorota Maria Świerzko-Kludzikowska
Online publish date: 2019-12-13
The process of nursing the patient with 3rd degree pressure sores - case study
Karolina Retajczyk
Online publish date: 2019-12-13