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vol. 3 abstract:
Nursing care for a child with epilepsy in a home environment
Klaudia Smulska
Online publish date: 2019/12/02
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Epilepsy is one of the oldest known diseases in the world. The history of this disease has 4 thousand years in the history of mankind. Epilepsy is one of the pathological conditions characterized by impaired function of the brain. The aim of this study is to develop an integrated process of raising a child with epilepsy residing at home, along with the challenges nurses to care for the child. Case In this case the patient is a 6-year-old girl with cerebral palsy, body spastic four limbssuffering from epilepsy resistant to treatment, were covered in the supervision of nurses. Conclusions 1 . Nursing problems in a child with epilepsy residing in the home environment: the risk of seizures, the likelihood of brain edema, the risk of cardiac respiratory failure, lack of child-bio-psycho-social needs, contraception due to prolonged immobilization, lack of parents’ knowledge about comprehensive pharmacotherapy and etiology of epileptic seizures. 2 . Basic tasks of a nurse caring for a child with epilepsy staying in the home environment: elimination of factors causing epileptic seizure, active participation in pharmacotherapy, regular measurement of vital signs, implementation of prevention of complications due to immobilization of the child, ensuring the implementation of basic life needs of the child, education of parents topic of therapy and aetiology of seizures in epilepsy. keywords:
nursing care, child, epilepsy |